decorated pot minecraft use. To install the Pre-Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab. decorated pot minecraft use

 To install the Pre-Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tabdecorated pot minecraft use  Bamboo Mosaic A plank variant exclusive to the bamboo wood set

The flower pot recipe in Minecraft is very similar to the recipe for the new decorated pot in Minecraft. Web How To Make Bricks In Minecraft Mcgamers 2. Web how to craft a decorated pot in minecraft (quick tutorial)subscribe for more videos. Take note as to whether or not decorated pots are rendered when held by endermen. The Minecraft 1. As for making your own decorated pot in Minecraft, take 4x Pottery Shards of any kind and place them accordingly in the workbench. Hello everybody! This is my first-ever texture pack so I hope you like it :) This is the FIRST version so more pots are to come. Ranging from Cherry Blossom biomes and Sniffer Mobs to Archeology and Pottery Shards, players can explore and see what these features do. Themed Areas and Mosaics with Decorated Pots. I propose that pots be given the ability to contain 1 of any item. 20 Trails and Tales Update comes with 20 different pottery sherds for you to find. 20. In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. Decorated Pot. Minecraft guide for 1. In this Minecraft guide to Decorated Pots, I will. Instead, you need to find and gather this item. Ultimate Minecraft 1. Upon completion, this. To craft a Brush, you’ll need a Feather, Copper Ingot, and a Stick. Then, create a brush in Minecraft by combining a feather and a stick with a copper ingot on the crafting table. . /testforblock <flower pot's coords> air link it to a comparator and place another command block that copy's a chest with items that you want to drop /clone <chest's coords> <chest's coords> <flower pot's coords> place conected to a repeator set to 1 tick with another comman dblock with this command /setblock <flower pot's coords> air 0. They can be obtained only by brushing suspicious blocks, with the variants of sherd obtainable being dependent on the structure. To give a custom potion to a player you can use the command: /give <selector> minecraft:potion{CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:<id>,Duration:<duration>}],Potion:"minecraft:water"} Replace <selector> with whatever you are giving it to, <id> with the numerical ID for what. 20. Yesterday in snapshot 23w41a, Mojang gave Decorated Pots the ability to hold a single stack's worth of items and for hoppers to give/take items from pots. Hey guys! If you’re like me you are having trouble figuring out the new Next Major Update features for the Sniffer and Decorative Clay Pots. Also try: the Dye Bowls pack! Also also try: the. In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. For Windows 10 Edition, right click on the flower pot. Decorated Pot. 2 Mods (3571 posts) 1. Players will need one Feather, one Copper Ingot, and one Stick to craft a Brush in Minecraft. 20. First, go to one of the structures listed above, for instance, a desert well. Add Items to make a Danger Decorated Pot. As part of the feature that sees players finding ancient treasures from the past, it’s possible to collect pottery sherds (formerly known as pottery shards before recent snapshot/preview updates), which can be assembled into. You can make all sorts of decorated pots with Pottery Shards. The first way is with the use of plain clay bricks. To make a Snort Decorated Pot. ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions. If you want to make a certain pot, then you have to get the right shards. A decorated pot is an ornamental block crafted from pottery sherds or bricks. Pots are now divided into categories: flat (saplings, azalea, fern, dead bush, bamboo, cactus, roots and mushrooms), vases (tulips), small (all small flowers) and big pots (wither roses and torchflowers). There's no other way to place them on regular pots. Check Details. 2. Put Clay in the top box on the left side of the Furnace menu. In this video, we'll show you how to craft a beautiful flower pot that will add a pop of color to any. These items should be arranged on a crafting table, top to bottom, as shown above. It's a good idea, but it would be better if only the Decorated pot could store 1 item without inventory and without slots, just by right clicking + shift. Minecraft (Nintendo Switch) () 1. This allows us to create a flower vase pot that really stands out. Add Items to make a Blade Decorated Pot. Minecraft’s artistic nature has allowed avid players to replicate the sandbox game’s items into functional and practical furniture at home. 149. and that when breaking it the item comes out, and in case it is the spawn egg of any mob, that when breaking the Decorated pot the egg makes the mob spawn, something like the game of "break vases and see what surprises they have inside, that. DatGamerAgain_YT •. Explosion: In the case of an explosion, such as from TNT, the decorated pot will drop as an item. 1. 20 Other Texture Pack. It is a brown pottery item that features a picture of a skeleton face on the side of the Decorated Pot. Add Items to make a Decorated Pot. 12. Game Version. That’s it, you have now used Pottery. From gathering materials to the final crafting,. mp4 5. Not sure why they didn't just have it to where you couldbput plants directly into it though. Crafting four Pottery Shards together will create a Decorated Pot with a picture on each side; You can also use Brick items instead of Pottery Shards in the Decorated Pot recipe The sides that were made from Brick items will not have pictures; Smash a Decorated Pot with any block-breaking tool to break it apart and get the Pottery Shards backHovering on a Decorated Pot, the description doesn't say any information about it when combined with any pottery sherds . Decorated Pots. This would be both a decorative and practical use, as putting, say, an oak sapling will plug the pot closed and no player will be able to access the storage inside. Hello ! I need to change if a decorated pot (from Minecraft 1. make a redstone signal to make it more realistic. In today’s video, I show 4 build hacks using the new decorative pots in Minecraft in under a minute! :DRecorded in Minecraft snapshot 1. You can craft a Decorative Pot with 4 Pottery Sherds of the same type. How to make a cooking pot in minecraftModular flower pots (1. Crafting four Pottery Sherds together will create a Decorated Pot with a picture on each side; Brick items can be used instead of Pottery Sherds in the Decorated Pot recipe. Mods. I Show you How to Craft and Use Decorative Pots in Minecraft. The Sniffer is the mob vote winner of Minecraft Live 2022 and the first "ancient" mob added to the game. Here is my idea: add a part of the NBT data to Decorative Pots so map makers can make them drop loot. You can have one pattern on the pot, two, or even four. Every decorated pot that was added in the Trails & Tales Minecraft update and the Pottery Sherds required to make them. Then, place a pottery shard or a brick in the middle of the topmost and bottommost rows of the crafting area. They always spawn at the bottom of the desert well. To fix this, I'd rather you just change the texture of the decorated pot to be like half a pixel wider on top because you can use the flower pot on top for cool build tricks. Open the Crafting Menu. Are you ready to bring a touch of nature to your home? In this video, we'll show you how. So to get Pottery Shards in Minecraft, you have to find Suspicious Sand and brush it. Decorated Pot Changes in the Minecraft Snapshot 23W41A. The difference between a decorated pot made from pottery shards and one made from bricks in Minecraft (Image via Mojang) These pots will have the same height and width as regular blocks, but will. First, open your crafting table so that you have the 3x3 crafting grid that looks like this: 2. 20 Features!📺 Channel Kedua Saia!» Mhavinzh Support/Dukung Mhavin!» 👍🏻 | Like/. Suggestion of a decorated pot possible usage: Since it can receive and send item to active hopper, it should also receive and send item to another pot, so it can be chained and used as an hopper extension, so we can send items from hopper far above into another hopper far below, using decorated pot that. Pottery Sherds can only be used for crafting Decorative Pots, with different sherds resulting in different patterns. You can have one pattern on the pot, two, or even four. It is a brown pottery item that features a picture of a pickaxe on the side of the Decorated Pot. an "arms up" pottery shard in the top slot will display on the back). In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. Minecraft: Java Edition Snapshot - 23w41a. Recently, you added decorated pots to Minecraft with the ability to fill them with a stack of items. 5 Stunning Minecraft Decor Ideas for 2023. Description is what the item is called and (Minecraft ID Name) is the string value that is used in game commands. You can use Pottery Shards to create Decorated Pots in Minecraft’s latest 1. Resolved. Level 35 : Artisan Caveman. decorated_pot_ingredients decorated_pot_sherds: item. Then, you need to look for suspicious sand blocks. ; Stack Size is the maximum stack size for this item. Get heads on your server easily with the » Head Database Plugin ! Make sure you use the command for your actual Minecraft version! All Minecraft commands have to be used in command blocks! If you got problems using the Minecraft commands on a server, put "minecraft:give" instead of "give" at the beginning of the command. png in Java Edition 1. 20. 3和BE 1. decorative. To craft a decorated pot with a pottery sherd, you will have to replace the bricks in the crafting recipe. In Minecraft, an Angler Pottery Sherd is a new item that was introduced in Minecraft 1. As mentioned earlier, pottery shards can be found in suspicious sand or suspicious gravel blocks in the game. I would give those flowers new uses. 3M subscribers in the Minecraft community. Clay blocks are generated on the surface of rivers, ponds, and oceans. Now that decorated pots serve as storage, they could be used thanks to their 'antique' and mysterious design as a unique kind of storage. Be sure to not smelt whole clay blocks. [Redstone] If you right click or feed a bundle into a decorated pot the pot will now take any items as input and put them in the bundle, pulling from the pot with a hopper or breaking it would give the bundle. 20This is mainly to help inspire or help you come up with ideas for how. Steps to Reproduce: Place down a decorated pot and obtain a bow and some arrows. Whether you want multiple designs or one, the possibilities are endless due to the amount of shards to obtain. While some items in Minecraft are stackable up to 64, other items can. 饰纹陶罐(Decorated Pot)是一种用于储存物品[新增:JE 1. Flower pots are 3 ⁄ 8 of a block high and can be stepped on. 20. Decorated Pots - Crafted using 4 Pottery Shards, these pots have an image on each side. A brick can be obtained by smelting a clay ball. 20. Decorated pots will have a random color when placed. Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. Tweaked the Decorated Pot neck based on feedback (MCPE-167168) With the former pot, we. r/minecraftseeds. 20. More information can be found at aka. You will need 1 flower pot and 1 plant (ie: flower, mushroom, cactus, or sapling): TIP: You can choose any one of these plants above to go inside your flower pot. Minecraft community on reddit. Decorated pots can also be crafted without any pottery shards by simply using bricks. Join this channel and unlock members-only perks. 20. Just like you would craft a bucket with iron ingots but with bricks instead of iron ingots. All pots have a simple 360 degree rotation. In Minecraft, a Sheaf Decorated Pot is. To make a Prize Decorated Pot, place 4 Prize Pottery Sherds in the 3x3 crafting grid. Comparators can now read the number of items in. While some items in Minecraft are stackable up to 64, other items can. 12. Once collected, you will have to process them. Decorated pots now stack up to 64. Just like you would craft a bucket with iron ingots but with bricks instead of iron ingots. 4. You need the following items to make a decorated pot in Minecraft: 4 Pottery Shards (any) 4 Bricks. pot. 7. In Minecraft, you can craft decoration items such as a painting, item frame, armor stand, jukebox, note block, slime block, flower pot, anvil, iron bars, redstone lamp, glass panes, snow, end rods, end crystals, heads,. Also, not sure if this helps with redstone but hitting a pot with any projectile will break it into. 2 Mods (3534 posts)After collecting all the required items, follow these steps to create a flower pot in Minecraft: 1. With a few simple steps, you too can make your own flower pot in minecraft. The sides that were made from Brick items will not have pictures; Smash a Decorated Pot with any block-breaking tool to break it apart and get the. Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition (2) (PS4) How to unlock the Careful restoration achievement in Minecraft: Make a Decorated Pot out of 4. 20 Preview for Minecraft Bedrock Edition has arrived, bringing with it a number of experimental features, customizable shields, and. The plant or fungus can be removed from the flower pot by pressing the use control. If you find yourself struggling to build or decorate using Decorated Pots, this video will help you!Discord and socials:#minecrafttutorial With the Decorated Pot block coming out in the new 1. 1. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an Angler Decorated Pot with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Screenshot by Gameskinny. 21 update is just around the corner, but if you're curious what will be new, some of those features will be testing in Minecraft: Bedrock. Decorated pots are a brand new item that has been added to the latest snapshot and beta preview. First, open your crafting table so that you have the 3x3 crafting grid that looks like this: 2. Decorated Pot is an item in Minecraft that can be used for decorative purposes. Each different type of ceramic shard is meant to depict a different picture of something in the game, such as an Ender Dragon, a Skeleton, a Tree. Fashion & style 3D Models. Crafted by arranging 2 bamboo slabs in a. But to craft a Decorated Pot, you need at least two Pottery Shards and two Bricks. Decorated pots can be broken with any tool and are mined instantly. Craftable Pottery Shards (not to be confused with Sherds) This idea is to add some new decorative sherd-like items for making far more types of Decorated Pots. Add Items to make a Shelter Decorated Pot. 4-rc2Enjoy, like,. Teoxex Hammers RP [Datapack Resource Pack] 16x Minecraft 1. Just put them in a furnace and wait for a few seconds. 20 update. To install the Pre-Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab. Use 5 slabs and a block on the middle slab. Pot may refer to: Decorated Pot, a block crafted from pottery sherds and/or bricks. Hint: you will need a Brush! By crafting four of these together you can create a Decorated Pot with a picture on each side. Also, not sure if this helps with redstone but hitting a pot with any projectile will break it into. In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. Minecraft community on reddit. Added in Minecraft's latest update, the decorated pot is an ornamental block crafted from pottery sherds or bricks. The primary use of pottery shards in Minecraft 1. 👌 Minecraft: 5 Creative Ways to Use Pots - YouTube. How to craft decorated pots with pottery sherds in Minecraft 1. Can be crafted with any 4 pottery shards or brick items, in a rhombic crafting configuration. 100% complete. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Heart Decorated Pot with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. This would allow bundles to be implemented into redstone, possibly for storage systems. Resolved;Upvote this comment if this is a good quality post that fits the purpose of r/Minecraft. Level 40 : Master Grump. To make a Mourner Decorated Pot, place 4 Mourner Pottery Sherds in the 3x3 crafting grid. Minecraft 1. The easiest way to locate them is to check the ponds in the lush caves biome. 4-rc2Enjoy, like,. How to craft a Snort Decorated Pot in Survival Mode. If you are running. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Miner Decorated Pot with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Flower Pot, a decorative block that holds plants, mushrooms, and fungi. Crafting. 4) is a Minecraft data pack that brings a new level of immersion to the game. The 1. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Plenty Decorated Pot with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can also use them to decorate an area. Diamond Ore. You will now have a flower pot. minecraft. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Howl Decorated Pot with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Open the Crafting Menu. It is possible to jump from a flower pot onto a fence. Web pottery sherds are a set of twenty items used to craft decorated pots with ornamental designs. 1) Start by making a brush. To make a Blade Decorated Pot, place 4 Blade Pottery Sherds in the 3x3 crafting grid. In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. 4k likes, 37 comments. You can also use Brick items instead of Pottery Shards in the Decorated Pot recipe The sides that were made from Brick items will not have pictures Smash a Decorated Pot with any block-breaking tool to break it apart and get the Pottery Shards back Or hit it with your fist to pick up the pot without breaking it Fixed bugs in Snapshot 23w07aMining clay blocks without a Silk Touch enchantment will drop clay balls. 20: With at least some pottery sherds in your inventory, open the interface of the nearest crafting table. As the name implies, the Decorated Pot's sole purpose is to be decorative; however, I believe that pots have an untapped potential for multiplayer engagement and environmental storytelling in Minecraft. Screenshot by PC Invasion. 5. How to craft a Flower Pot in Survival Mode. Join. Surprisingly, decorated pots have become quite useful after the following changes and new features introduced by snapshot 23w41a: Decorated Pots now store up to a single stack of items. Different to flower pots these are larger and require four Pottery Sherd's to be. The issue was then I couldn't have. This is video number 3 of 6 releasing today. Taldoesgarbage Command Boi (^ - ^)/ • 2 yr. The Bug: Decorated pots can be destroyed by projectiles in adventure mode. To craft a decorated pot with a pottery sherd, you will have to replace the bricks in the crafting recipe. In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3×3 crafting grid. Flower Pot, a decorative block that holds plants, mushrooms, and fungi. Players who wish to get started with making decorative pots will need to be equipped for the job. Speckled green, thrown pot with feet. The crafting recipe pattern for flower pots is the same as iron buckets. Feel free to use this flowers interior design trick. Well. 2 Guide. 1. Open the Crafting Menu. Take any 4 pottery sherds and craft them into a Decorated Pot in the crafting table 3. 3 update, players will be able to use these pots to store a stack of items. How to use a pot. archer_pottery_sherd: 举臂纹样陶片: arms_up_pottery_sherd: item. 7. Full Video:and Share with other Minecrafters! Ray Twitch Livestream (Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 2pm ET): Support Ray with Patreon: Pots. A decorated pot drops the four pottery sherds or bricks used to craft it when mined with a pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe or sword not enchanted with Silk Touch. terabat: Minecraft 1. Decorated pots serve as "filters". Finding and unearthing pottery shards in Minecraft. These shards look like pieces of ancient pots, and you can find them in Minecraft by exploring some ruins. These are what you need to make your pot. Minecraft 1. In Minecraft, a Plenty Decorated Pot is a new decoration item that was introduced in Minecraft 1. Format [] decorated_pot. Decorated pots used to pack bundles. Decorated Pot is not stackable in Inventory (MCPE-167223) Base recipe for the Decorated Pot now shows up in the Survival recipe book; Decorated Pot particle is now based on the default Decorated Pot side texture; Updated archer Pottery Shard texture; Brush. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an Angler Pottery Sherd with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Pot may refer to: Decorated Pot, a block crafted from pottery sherds and/or bricks. It's litterally ONE line of code : ad decorated pots to. Open the Crafting Menu. Once you have your 3 clay bricks, arrange them like so to get your flower pot. First, open your crafting table so that you have the 3x3 crafting grid that looks like this: 2. 19. The Mourner Sherd represents the Warden, the big bad of Minecraft received a lot of love in the Trails and Tales Update receiving a Decorated Pot and two Armor Trims in its honor. Now, place the clay balls in the top part of the furnace and fuel in the bottom part to make brick in Minecraft. In other words, you could place the objects you want to 'filter,' and only those items would be allowed to pass through the chutes, achieving what the tech community. How to craft a Decorated Pot in Survival Mode. First, go to one of the structures listed above, for instance, a desert well. Minecraft Tutorial How To Make A House In Flower Pot You. How to make a flower pot in minecraftHow to make a flower pot in minecraft Flower pots minecraftFlower pots in minecraft: everything you need to know. Resolved. Renewable. Pot. This makes fun ways to hide items in around your base!Decorated Pots. Pottery Sherds (or Pottery Shards) are an archaeology item in Minecraft that can be used for crafting Decorated Pots. The primary use of pottery shards in Minecraft 1. To get them rename : brown dye in an anvil to Decorated pot1 lime dye in an anvil to Decorated pot2 yellow dye in an anvil to Decorated pot31. To make a Friend Decorated Pot, place 4 Friend Pottery Sherds in the 3x3 crafting grid. Unlike other containers, decorated pots have no GUI; items are inserted by interacting with the pot or by using droppers or hoppers. It's a good idea, but it would be better if only the Decorated pot could store 1 item without inventory and without slots, just by right clicking + shift. The beta is available on Android (Google Play). Redecorated Pots is a simple resourcepack that retextures decorated pots. The subtle redesign gives the patterns a more 3D look conveyed through texture, and makes them feel carved-in. 20 trails and tales update. g. MC-260043 – Decorated Pots don't play breaking sound in creative mode. Now that Minecraft 1. Then, create a brush in Minecraft by combining a feather and a stick with a copper ingot on the crafting table. Minecraft: Every Decorated Pot. Once you have all the bricks you need, you can begin the process of making flower pots as long as you have a crafting table set up. I mean, it's a POT ! It's like its main role aside from carrying water like a amphora (which -huh- it can't do, it's almost as if it was kinda useless). How To Make A Flower Pot In Minecraft (And Use It) Check Details. 19. Upvote this comment if this is a good quality post that fits the purpose of r/Minecraft. . ; Stack Size is the maximum stack size for this item. Botanic Pots Datapack. First, open your crafting table so that you have the 3x3 crafting grid that looks like this: 2. Repottery is a resource pack that gives new life to pots in Minecraft. 59How to make a flower pot in minecraft Pots creeperMinecraft tutorial: how to make a house in a flower pot "flower pot. 2. When it comes to crafting, you need a feather, a copper ingot, a stick and a crafting table to make a brush. 20, there is certainly plenty of room to create unique decorated pots, which fits in nicely with the Trails & Tales. All the Minecraft pots can be crafted using bricks. Experiment with different hues to match your desired design. Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds. In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. Players can make custom-decorated pots using pottery shards (Image via Minecraft) Minecraft's Trails & Tales update is a testament to the game's never-ending evolution. Use 2 wool and use trapdoors in front. First, locate ocean ruins, trail ruins, desert well, or desert temple structures. 20 update. 20. Description is what the item is called and (Minecraft ID Name) is the string value that is used in game commands. Open the Crafting Menu. 2 Mods (1187 posts) 1. The Minecraft 1. Crouching causes only the sherd image (e. They will be removable with a single punch/with shears. MC-266496 - Wind Charge can not break Decorated Pots; MC-266516 - Arrows on fire set breezes on fire, despite being deflected; MC-266728 - The "styled". Step 5. Resolved. Once you have the soil and seed for. Some are decorated. To make a brick in Minecraft, follow these steps: 1. In Minecraft, a Shelter Decorated Pot is a new decoration item that was introduced in Minecraft 1. How to craft a Snort Decorated Pot in Survival Mode. 20 Trails and Tales Update comes with 20 different pottery sherds for you to find. 20 update, I came up with 5 new decoration ideas using the decorated pot. I built a porch planter for my pots out of 2 by 4's and some cheap pine board following the really easy youtube video I've linked to below, and used Thompson's Waterseal Chestnut for the stain. Then, you need to look for suspicious sand blocks. Definitions. Once you have your 3 clay bricks, arrange them like so to get your flower pot. It would function identical, but look different. The brush allows you to uncover suspicious sand and gravel blocks to obtain rare loot and ancient items. In Minecraft, an Angler Pottery Sherd is a new item that was introduced in Minecraft 1. ; Data Value (or damage value) identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for the Minecraft ID. Since both MC-225365 and MC-225364 are considered to be valid issues, I'd expect this ticket (MC-265758) to follow a similar resolution. Within a few seconds, the clay balls will smelt and turn into bricks. Bamboo Mosaic A plank variant exclusive to the bamboo wood set. You can shoot arrows on a decorated pot with a bow or a crossbow to break it. 20 update. 20. How to unlock the Careful restoration achievement in Minecraft (Nintendo Switch): Make a Decorated Pot out of 4 Pottery ShardsToday we will show you 10 flower pot designs in Minecraft. This is essentially a brainstorm of all the ideas I came up. It is not possible to walk from the top of a flower pot onto a full sized block without jumping. What is the Minecraft Decorated Pot Used For. A few people submitted orders for specific sizes they needed & shapes like the cascade. 1 3. Ceramic shards are unique items found in excavation sites, which will be present upon the release of 1. The aptitude to put plants on top of a decorated pot. As you may have already. Arrows. This week’s Minecraft Snapshot “23w41a” introduced some neat updates for Decorated Pots. The Sniffer was the winner of the Minecraft Live 2022 Mob Vote. Things to Make with Angler Pottery Sherd. 19. There you should search for Clay Blocks and break a couple of them. You can also use Brick items instead of Pottery Shards in the crafting recipe. Players need to combine four pottery shards to create a decorated pot, and as long as they. 20. 1. Different to flower pots these are larger and require four Pottery Sherd's to be.